EDEN and Ellinogermaniki Agogi will co-organise a three-day international conference in September 2015 in Athens.
The event will be earmarked as the next occasion in the EDEN Open Classroom Conference series with the involvement and support of thematically significant EU co-funded projects. The Conference incorporates the final event of the DigiSkills project, a European project demonstrating ways to involve school communities in innovative teaching and learning practices, and empower teachers and trainers to use, share and exploit unique resource. The timing will also make several of the conference activities the first steps in the sustainability of the Open Discovery Space project, one of the ever-largest EU co-funded educational networking initiative.
The first two days of the conference will highlight an impressive spectrum of different open schooling and teacher training initiatives, major achievements, their resources and training services provided.
During the third, Scholarly Contributions Day, academics and professionals will present their research and validated practices, following peer reviewed admission process.
The hosting projects will utilise their teacher communities and resources in the interest of a professional event, offering free training opportunities and promoting their best teaching practices. The trainings provided will be acknowledged by certifications.
Based on its continuing success, the EDEN "Synergy" strand will be weaved into the programme in Athens as well, adding a "project magnet" effect to the conference and enabling new partnerships to be created and old ones to be strengthened and expanded, thanks to the active participation of a diverse audience.